Testimony of A Humble Servant

If you know me well or only in passing, you might know that I am a Christian. Or you might not. I have never been too outspoken about my faith. However, because of series of events that have occurred in my life basically in the last year, I have finally heeded God’s call for me to serve him completely and faithfully in my life. I have known God and trusted in him since I was very young, however, I put my faith and Christianity on the back burner in college. I was a Christian in all my beliefs and I knew God in my heart, but I was not living out his commandments in my everyday life. For a number of personal reasons (fear of loosing friends, being seen as judgmental and ‘too religious’/boring) I have not made pleasing God, being obedient to Him and sharing my faith with others a priority in my life.

After being hardheaded and living for myself for so long (and also facing the inevitable consequences of such actions) I am beginning a new direction in my life and I hope to never look back. I am striving everyday to submit more to His will and live for Him.
I realize that we as Christians (particularly as young adults) may feel torn. We don’t want to seem too religious or preachy in a time and culture where being outspoken about one’s faith is frowned upon or seen as closed-minded. I say this because I used to think this way. However God’s word should take authority in our lives over popular opinion. He tells us to be on fire for Him and to strive to die to the flesh and live for Christ every day. (Romans 8: 5-17) The bible tells us to no longer live for our worldly desires and instead take up our cross daily and live as Jesus would have. (Luke 9:23-24, Matthew 10:38-39) Our only purpose on this earth is to complete the work God created each of us uniquely to do that will ultimately build up the body of believers, glorify Him and/or share the message about his love and forgiveness.

We can learn either the hard way or the easy way that obeying God is THE ONLY WAY. We all agree that God is Lord over all. Yes, God is the creator of the universe, He has a plan for each of us (Jeremiah 29:11-13), the hairs on our head are numbered and God is so in control that not one bird from the sky can fall without His approval. (Matthew 10:24-33) Yet, at the same time we can trick ourselves into believing that not completely being obedient to God’s urging in our life is ok and God will just let that slide. Yes, our God is forgiving and understands that we all fail and that we may be working to overcome our own fears, hang ups, insecurities, etc. He is patient when we really are repenting of these things and desire to be better. However, to continually go against God’s urging in our life is not only disobedient, but is a waste of time and effort. We each will eventually come to find that any project, relationship, job or any other thing that we undertake against God’s will has been nothing but a waste of our time, energy and resources. At some point, we will hit a wall because of our disobedience and we will have no one and nothing to turn to but God. It is also at that point that we will realize that we never had anything but God to turn to. We have never made it on our own intellect, strength, talent, status, connections, beauty etc., but only by God’s grace. Anything we do that is of our own mind and for our own glory is folly.

Finally, God’s word tells us what he will do to those who are lukewarm. (Revelation 3:15-20) This ‘lukewarmness’ can take many forms:  Not repent after we realize they still have love in their heart for the material things of the world; only following His commandments when they are convenient or when they do not upset our life styles too much; not submitting to God in the area of our life we feel he is prompting to give to Him. The bible makes it clear that God does not take these things lightly.  Brothers and sisters, I write all this in love and as someone who is still struggling with this very thing. However we should never be complacent with where we are, thinking ‘God knows my heart, He knows I love Him’ or ‘At least I am not doing what X is doing, so I’m ok for now, I don’t really have to do…” as an excuse for not living out the faith we profess. Give over to God that thing that you know he has been bringing to your attention. Stop or start doing whatever it is that you feel he has been telling you to do. Spend more time with Him and in the word if you know you have not been devoting as much time as you should. Whatever it is that the Holy Spirit has been placing on your heart, just begin to be obedient. Stay prayerful for direction from God and he will make clear his desire for you if you are unsure.

Being obedient to God, living for him and striving everyday to be made more in his image is a continual process that no matter where we are now in our relationship with Him is something we need to do more of. What God has for you may be difficult, may make you less liked or seen as strange by others, or may conflict with your previously planned goals. But there is no other way. See, ‘taking up a cross’ was never a description of an easy task. It wasn’t easy when Jesus did it. But just thinking of His cross, his grace and his mighty love…  That is what motivates us forward.

I pray, that this reaches you whoever you are, however God it intended for you to receive it.

Much love.

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