[FREE DOWNLOAD] We In The Building [E Tizz]



RID OF MY DISGRACE [Justin + Lindsey Holcomb]

Justin is a pastor at Mars Hill Church and Director of the Resurgence. He is also an adjunct professor of theology atReformed Theological Seminary. He holds two masters degrees from Reformed Theological Seminary and a PhD from Emory University. His edited volume, Christian Theologies of Scripture, explores various views of the authority and nature of scripture throughout the Christian tradition.
Lindsey counsels victims of sexual assault and domestic violence, and she conducts training seminars to service providers and pastors. She previously worked at a domestic violence shelter and at a sexual assault crisis center. Lindsey has an MS from Tourou University, where her graduate research was on violence against women and public health responses. She is currently a student at Reformed Theological Seminary, studying for an MA in Theological Studies.

Justin and Lindsey wrote Rid of My Disgrace, a Re:Lit book on gospel hope and healing for sexual assault victims.