[APR15-18] Closer - Love Changes Everything

LOVE WILL COST YOU EVERYTHING, but no one truly lives except in love. It is the longest journey and greatest adventure: laying down your life; following the Lamb; finding His heartbeat and dancing to the rhythm; giving without expecting; growing by worship; suffering for joy. Jesus is love, and He is our standard. Love is perfect theology, perfect reason, perfect purpose, perfect law. Love was the thesis of His life, and it must be the prevailing theme of ours. If we imitate Jesus by loving like Jesus, then the world will not see us. They will see Him.

That’s why Love Changes Everything. That’s why we must draw Closer. Come love Him with us.

We are not a powerhouse ministry. We are just students from Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, MIT, UPenn, and Yale. We are desperate to meet God in our place of greatest need. We are a community which believes it is for a day dawning under revival that God has placed us on our campuses. That revival comes when we become the living expression of love.




Rolland and Heidi Baker, Founders, Iris Ministries

Che Ahn, President, Harvest International Ministries

Kris Vallotton, Senior Assoc. Leader, Bethel Church (Redding, CA)

Bob Johnson, Bob Johnson Ministries


Cost: FREE. Just come.

Registration: HERE


TIME: Friday, April 15 at 10:00am - April 18 at 7:00pm

MORE DETAILS @ www.alabastergroup.com


  1. Hello, This looks like a great conference. May students from Amherst College (ad maybe Williams College) attend?

    Thank you,

  2. yes indeed. people from other colleges/universities are able to attend. please email christian.carpologist@gmail.com and we can send you greater details.

